The Océanis-Avocats lawyers pay particular importance to transparency in fees charged to their clients.  

To this effect before engaging commitment to a case, each client is invited to sign a contract showing itemised fees, and giving precise details of the terms and costs of each action the practice proposes to take, in adherence to Article 11 of the National Governing body of professional lawyers (Règlement Intérieur National de la profession d’avocat).  The practice is happy to accept clients in receipt of Legal Aid.

Océanis-Avocats staff offer different types of charges in order to best be adapted to our clients’ needs.

Whilst the time required to conclude each case cannot be predicted accurately in advance, fees are set in accordance with precedent cases.  Hourly fees are clearly stated before commencing work on a case.
Clients can, at any time ask about the time which has been spent on their case and corresponding rates.  Every invoice is accompanied by a detailed statement of each procedural formality accomplished.  Depending upon the type of case, an estimate can be given at the outset and clients are informed of any factors likely to affect the initial evaluation.

Fees are predetermined in those cases where it is possible to accurately evaluate costs in advance of the work which will be carried out by the practice.  A pre-set price plan can be combined with outcome-related fees.

According to French law, a lawyer’s remuneration cannot be based solely on outcome.  However, outcome-dependent fees are perfectly appropriate if combined with fees fixed by precedent or fixed sum fees. An outcome could take the form of a gain, avoidance of a loss or have an entirely different objective.